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 Let's begin with a chat about your vision and goals! 

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Welcome to your awesome life

Here at clarity path coach we help you to bring your awesome life into full focus. Have a dream? Let's go there! Carrying a burden that occupies you? I would love to help you release it. 
Having trouble with the vision? You're covered with foolproof signature techniques to allow something magical to be seen.

Let's get to know each other...

Rachel Haymer has been a healer and guide for over two decades. Having done healings on thousands of individuals, she is renown for her accurate reading skills as well as incredible healing powers. Only seven generations herself from Master Usui, founder of Reiki, Rachel's pedigree is a prestigious one.

Her main focus remains emotional healing through a combination of techniques  which have proven to be highly successful. Her client testimonials speak to this and Rachel's other attributes as a healer. 

More about me

Work with me

Step into your awesome life. Are you burned out? Ready for a new chapter? Unsure how?

Private Coaching 

For those with a desire to go above and beyond with Rachel as your personal mentor. For the committed journey, at your pace, Private coaching available for a select few Acolytes who are stepping into their power.Private Clients have experienced radical shifts in their mindset and reality, including eradication of poverty mindset, activation of internal radical acceptance and confidence, the ability to navigate impossible circumstances with relative ease and serenity and have manifested new realities they previously considered unattainable

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Freedom Expansion Accademy: Group Program

Learn with a small group of like minded individuals to open your mind to worlds you never thought possible. The impact from FEA as experienced by previous participants has led to drastic overall life-improvement, recovery from previous toxic situations, forward movement in personal and professional contexts, and in general upleveling in internal peace to enables a liberated life journey

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See our latest posts about spiritual growth

Get a personalized leadership track

Don't just rely on meditations made on someone else's vision. Have your own personalized visualization brought to life and professionally produced so you can hear it over and over again. 

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Protection for Empaths and Psychics

Finding your energy bamboozled by others or unknown sources? Get our Protection toolkit for Empaths. Better energy alignment is possible! 

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Community on your terms

Get to know other like minded individuals on your path to your expanded healed self. Classes and community events are happening. Clients have made lifelong friends through our programming. 

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Client Testimonials

With❤️from clients

"I was able to leave my dreaded massage job and a national chain gym and start my own business. Now I'm 1000% happier"

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