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 Let's see if we're a perfect fit for each other. 

I motivate individuals to be their true selves so they can experience their awesome life

My clients have upleveled their lives in incredible ways. Wouldn't it be nice to feel that you were living life "in the zone"? Waking up each day motivated and ready to experience what life has to offer? Book a time with me to find out if we are in alignment

Work with me

Here's how I can help

Private Coaching with a Spiritual focus

Spiritual life coaching is a transformative process that focuses on aligning your outer life with your inner spiritual values. Unlike traditional life coaching, which often concentrates on achieving external success, spiritual life coaching prioritizes a deep connection with one's core self, promoting peace, wisdom, and fulfillment in all areas of life.

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Digging in to the process

As a spiritual life coach, I guide you through the process of exploring your true self, helping you to understand and activate your inner potentials. Whether you're facing life transitions, seeking deeper purpose, or striving for personal growth, my coaching provides the support and tools you need to lead a life that is not only successful but also spiritually enriched and genuinely satisfying.

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Group Programs with Like Minded Friends

eading a spiritually connected life means living in harmony with your core beliefs and values. It involves cultivating a life where daily actions and choices resonate deeply with your spiritual principles, leading to greater joy, peace, and fulfillment. Through spiritual life coaching, you can learn how to weave spirituality into every aspect of your life, enhancing your overall well-being and satisfaction.

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Live The Dream

Rachel lives by example, creating her own dream life, as a musician, showing you that you too can experience and live at the level you desire! 

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Let's see if we should work together.

  • Improved Decision-Making Skills
    Working with a life coach enhances your ability to make decisions that align with your values and long-term objectives. This leads to more confident and effective decision-making.

  • Enhanced Self Awareness
    Life coaching encourages deep self-reflection, helping you understand your passions, motivations, and emotional triggers. Increased self-awareness leads to better personal and professional relationships.

  • Overcoming Obstacles
    Life coaches are skilled in strategies to help you identify and overcome barriers, whether they are internal (like fear and doubt) or external (like career or personal challenges).

  • Improved Life Balance
    Life coaches help you balance the various aspects of your life—from work and finances to relationships and personal well-being—ensuring that you maintain harmony and avoid burnout.

  • Clarity and Direction
    A life coach helps you gain clarity about what you truly want in life, define your goals, and create actionable steps to achieve them. This direction can be invaluable in navigating life's complexities.

  • Accountability
    A life coach serves as an accountability partner, keeping you committed to your goals and productive in your efforts to achieve them. This accountability can significantly accelerate your progress.

  • Personal Growth
    Continuous personal growth is fostered through life coaching. You will be encouraged to push beyond your comfort zones, fostering growth and resilience.

  • Better Fulfillment and Happiness
    By aligning your daily life with your deeper values and pursuing meaningful goals, you can achieve a higher level of satisfaction and happiness in your life.

Let's get to know each other...

What can I expect from working with a spiritual life coach?

Working with me, you'll embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual connection. Our sessions will provide a safe and nurturing space for you to explore your beliefs, aspirations, and challenges. You'll receive personalized guidance and practical strategies to overcome obstacles, achieve your goals, and enhance your spiritual well-being.

Starting your journey is simple. Contact me today to schedule your initial consultation. During this session, we'll discuss your current situation, your goals for coaching, and how I can help you activate the life you've always dreamed of. Let’s connect and start your journey towards a life that feels good, spiritually connected, and absolutely awesome

More about me

Client Testimonials

With❤️from clients

"I had been unhappy most of my life. With the discoveries I made in the Clarity Path Coach group program, I am now discovering my life again!"

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