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Trust Your Gut - The Intuitive Path To Success  

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Have you tried following to the voice within?

We all do it. Ignore that little small voice inside to our (sooner or later) chagrin when we exclaim: “Argh 😱 I KNEW that was going to happen!” But what if with a simple shift you could activate your OWN internal knowing so that you would know that voice so well, respect it so deeply and be able to follow your internal guidance to the point that you would finally say “YES! I KNEW that was going to happen and it did” right before doing your relieved happy dance 💃🏻🕺Because isn’t that what makes the greats truly great? The ability to have faith and follow their knowing even when evidence presents to the contrary? This is what I plan to be teaching you, should you choose to join us at my upcoming workshop: “Trust Your Gut: The Intuitive Path to Success”

What you will learn:
Search within your body for clues to your truth 
Hold space Learn to hear your intuitive voice clearly above any other ‘noise’ 
Differentiate discover what is an intuitive hit and what is a red herring 
Choose your path How to take intuitive information and interpret it into actionable steps 

When: Tuesday 5/21/24 5:30pm Pac (8:30pm EST)
Where: Zoom 

Cost: $0 (normally $99, free for you today)

Replay for those who register? YES 
Can’t wait to teach you all this and more

Love and Light Rachel

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